Saturday, February 16, 2008

NEWS: Obama Points at Clinton

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Are Lobbyists Influencing Hillary? The Big Pile of Money Says "Yes".

Perhaps Barack Obama's secret weapon in the beginning of all of this was the fact he had so little money to start out with against Hillary Clinton. And the reason he didn't was because he refused to except lobbyist money. You know "lobbyists"? i.e. legal bribesmen. He says that Mrs. Clinton is too much a part of "business-as-usual in Washington" to bring about reform.

Perhaps Hillary should stop just thinking about the money. Sure being economically friendly is something her husband and by that her name is know for. But she needs to shake off her "businesswoman like" attitude about everything. Check there recent quotes from to see what I mean.

"I am in the solutions business. My opponent is in the promises business,"

"I am bullish on America."

Not the best way to phrase things me thinks.

R. Planet
Writing his name at the bottom of things.


Big Yellow Forehead said...

She needs to just release the financial documents. Period.

R. Planet said...

Well for the most part that story has kind of slipped below the radar. Obama was trying to force to her to show how she wasn't playing by as clean a set of rules as he was. But now the issue is "Media bias towards Obama".

ng2000 said...

Another resource for you: